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I am Daisy Gee

I am Daisy Gee.
Online that is

I am an introvert
Offline that is

Who  is the Real Me?

What is my True Self?
Is this my 'front'?

Is  this me?

Am I Daisy Gee?

(Daisy Gee, 2014)


This is a blog about me. About the things that make me feel good. It is not the whole of me because as we all know no-one feels good all the time. To create a balance in life we need both happiness and sadness. How can we appreciate one without experiencing the other?

But.... this the Internet. Indeed it is the World Wide Web. Here we can compartmentalise. Here we can be one emotion if we want; without the other being seen. We can be WHO we want. Scholars call it impression management.

There is a book by Sherry Turkle called Life on the screen: Identity in the age of the Internet and in it she writes "we construct our identities on the other side of the looking glass". This is the other side of my looking glass. 

This blog shows pieces of me; petals of a daisy.

Who am I?

Spiral daisy image sourced from wiki commons

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